Back and neck pain are leading causes for absenteeism in the work place and with the aging population this statistic is increasing. Sports injuries create their own special pain even if an injury is not perceived by the participant. Treating pain naturally has also gained in popularity with more […]
Read MoreSwine flu returning after 91 years. The best ways to protect yourself are the easiest.
Most people living today were not around when the Swine Flu made its first deadly appearance in April 1918 and reappeared in the fall killing over 50 million people. It was the H1N1 virus that was responsible for the worst single source of casualties in US history according to Tommy Thompson former US […]
Read More Diet, Get plenty of rest, Steps to avoid sharing the flu, Stress, Truth about the fluOld school fitness; kettle bells 101
Flip through the television channels on an average day, especially first thing in the morning or late at night, and you’ll see the latest, “greatest” fitness routines, techniques and tools designed to sculpt your body. Do they work any better than the “old-school” methods people have been using successfully for generations? Here’s a time-tested fitness […]
Read More energy boosters, exercise tips to avoid injury, Mens Health, OsteoArthritis, Tips for a healthier you, Womens HealthObesity is causing the health care crisis in the US
Obesity is the single most solvable cause for America’s health crisis according to recently released findings given to the US Government. Americans who are 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight cost the country an estimated $147 billion in weight-related medical bills in 2008, double the amount a decade ago, according to […]
Read More Activity important for healthy kids, Fiber and your health, Obesity and kids, Sedintary activities not healthy for children, StressPatrick Swayze dies of Cancer at 57, what are the chances you will too?
Patrick Swayze’s picture has been plastered over tabloid covers for the last several months giving a chronology of what dying from cancer looks like. He has finally ended the long and painful ordeal joining a list of several other famous individuals who have died from cancer this year Farrah Fawcett and Edward Kennedy. […]
Read More Mens Health, Womens HealthAntibiotics still not recommended for colds, runny noses and flu symptoms
Too many patients are still being treated with antibiotics for viral infections according to a recent study published in the British medical journal Lancet. The study indicates that about a third of patients who go to their doctor for upper respiratory tract infections (UTIs) are diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis, and 80 percent of those patients […]
Read More Allergies, Allergy Elimination Discovered, Get plenty of rest, Nutrition, Oxidative stress and disease, Tips for a healthier you, What not to do when you get a coldFood Combinations can be dangerous to your health
Certain foods enhance your health when combined with other certain foods. Conversely, some food pairing may decrease your overall health and even endanger your well being. Follow these simple rules from to get the most out of your food choices: DO mix grilled steak and brussels sprouts: Certain compounds in brussels sprouts and other […]
Read More Diet, energy boosters, Fiber and your health, improve your diegestive health, Junk Food, Nutrition, Tasting good can be good for youEnergy drinks and your health, it doesn’t add up
When you need a little energy boost while staying awake to study for finals or to make that extra hour driving home most everyone reaches for one of many energy drinks on the market. But, just because it’s labled as an energy drink doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you. Energy drinks constitute big business […]
Read More Body Creates Allergies, Bone Damage, Diet, energy boosters, instant energy not the best for your body, Junk Food, Know what is harmful on the label, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, Tips for a healthier youWhat is the link between diet, inflamation and disease?
The new view of inflammation in the body, developed over the past 10 years, is that it is a generalized state within the circulatory and immune system perpetuated by consuming certain foods that have become staples in most American’s diets. The outcome of this is the dietary promotion of arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, […]
Read More A link between diet and feeling good, Diet, Junk Food, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, What you eat will make a difference in how healthy you are, you are what you eat