Children’s cough and cold medicines have taken a justifiable beating in the past few years, and the news isn’t getting any better (at least not for the drug manufacturers). A recent study published in the medical journal Pediatrics suggests use of these medicines in children under age 6 may cause as many as 500 child […]
Read MoreThree quick ways to loose weight and stay healthy too
Loosing weight isn’t just about dieting; scientific research indicates the need to keep the metabolic motor running. Maintaining an active metabolism in the aging process can be challenging, but researchers list three actions that will work for most people. On a cellular scale, metabolism is the breakdown of fats, proteins or carbohydrates and how cells, […]
Read More Diet, energy boosters, Fiber and your health, Get plenty of rest, improve your diegestive health, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, Tasting good can be good for you, Tips for a healthier you, Womens HealthLocal Organic Farms make it easy to eat well
Most local super markets now offer large sections of “organic” food usually in the fresh produce departments. Even Safeway has found success in its Organic brands of several traditional foods that now can be found in most sections of the food ales. To be classified “Organic”, foods are grown or raised (meat and dairy) in […]
Read More Diet, Fiber and your health, improve your diegestive health, Junk Food, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, Tasting good can be good for youkids, turn off the TV, put down the video game controls and get into health!
Does your child seem to spend the entire day in front of the TV, on the computer or playing video games? Here’s an important reason why you should encourage them to get up and get moving. An article in the March 2008 issue of the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that turning […]
Read More Activity important for healthy kids, Computers, Obesity and kids, Sedintary activities not healthy for children, TV and video gamesObesity is causing the health care crisis in the US
Obesity is the single most solvable cause for America’s health crisis according to recently released findings given to the US Government. Americans who are 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight cost the country an estimated $147 billion in weight-related medical bills in 2008, double the amount a decade ago, according to […]
Read More Activity important for healthy kids, Fiber and your health, Obesity and kids, Sedintary activities not healthy for children, StressEnergy drinks and your health, it doesn’t add up
When you need a little energy boost while staying awake to study for finals or to make that extra hour driving home most everyone reaches for one of many energy drinks on the market. But, just because it’s labled as an energy drink doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you. Energy drinks constitute big business […]
Read More Body Creates Allergies, Bone Damage, Diet, energy boosters, instant energy not the best for your body, Junk Food, Know what is harmful on the label, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, Tips for a healthier youWhat is the link between diet, inflamation and disease?
The new view of inflammation in the body, developed over the past 10 years, is that it is a generalized state within the circulatory and immune system perpetuated by consuming certain foods that have become staples in most American’s diets. The outcome of this is the dietary promotion of arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, […]
Read More A link between diet and feeling good, Diet, Junk Food, Nutrition, Obesity and kids, What you eat will make a difference in how healthy you are, you are what you eatThe five biggest mistakes with kids and athletic training
Let’s review the five biggest exercise mistakes youngsters can make, along with some safe and effective alternatives. Kids pick up the latest fitness magazine and start training like their favorite athletes do, thinking they can be just like them if they push hard enough. Unfortunately, their bodies are usually not ready for this level of training, […]
Read More Activity important for healthy kids, avoid knee injuries in youth will keep healthy knees as adults, Obesity and kids, Sedintary activities not healthy for children, youth sports injuries