As another “smokeout” campaign begins thousands will attempt or re-attempt to quit smoking. One of the most addicting habits and costly to our health, smoking tobacco in any form has no redeeming health values at all.
According to the US National Center for Health Statistics over two million deaths occur each year with over 62% directly attributed to tobacco use and smoking. According to the American Cancer Society cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined. In terms of life expectancy smoking decreases a person’s life by nearly 7 years.
So what is the best way to quit? Natural health providers have used hypnosis, herbs and cleansing programs, acupuncture to help people stop smoking. Clinical experience will tell that the success of any behavioral modification program is always dependant on the sincere desire of the individual to want to accomplish a change. One of the most unique programs is described as follows; these steps must be done without exception.
1. It is OK to smoke! That surprises most “quitters however, you must do the following steps exactly.
2. When smoking change the brand to a non-filtered cigarette brand that you are not familiar with.
3. Do not carry the cigarettes on your person. The cigarettes must be stored in the trunk of your car or someplace you are not use to.
4. Smoking is to be done outside only. In California that should be common place. The place must not be covered except for an umbrella in wet weather.
5. When smoking hold the cigarette with both hands.
So what are you waiting for, go ahead and find a way to quit and stick to it your lungs will thank you. If you want additional information about ways to quit smoking go to
It took me 2 years to fully Quit Smoking, it is really difficult to Stop smoking and you need lots of self discipline to stop the cravings on cigarettes.
It is hard to Stop Smoking at all but i tried so hard to quit smoking because of the fear of lung cancer .
if you want to quit smoking, then you must be a very determined person to do that.~,
sinusitis gives me headaches and stuffiness that i hate so much`*”
i suffer from sinusitis and there is no permanent cure for this disease;:,
i tried several times to stop smoking but still it is really hard to stop smoking;;*
anyone will always have a hard time quitting smoking because nicotine will infect your system and makes you an addict .